Self-help, Productivity
Entrepreneur Press
October 30, 2018

"Entrepreneur Voices on Emotional Intelligence" turned out totally not what I expected. Being a middle manager in a corporation, emotional intelligence is something I want to learn.
However, as the series title implies, the book is more geared towards the entrepreneurs, owners of small businesses, which gives the book a slightly different focus. Sure, basic concepts remain the same... I ultimately decided to read the whole book.
"Entrepreneur Voices on Emotional Intelligence" is written as a series of short chapters, almost like a collection of blog posts, each written by a different author. They are easy to digest and full of bulleted lists for quick reference. My favorite chapter? The one on recognizing emotions, taking cues from body language. Also, using emotions to market yourself or your product was very interesting.
Even if you are not a sole proprietor of a small company, you are going to learn a thing or two - and if you are, you will be able to put instantly in practice the lessons on surviving difficulties with clients and employees.
I have received a free copy of the book for the purpose of this review from NetGalley. The links in this post contain affiliate code.